Non-Discrimination Policy

The Elizabeth B. Ballard Community Center (Ballard Center) has a long history of helping families marginalized by the effects of poverty. We believe that the first step in changing lives is to acknowledge that the disparities brought about through poverty exist and strive to address the barriers our children and clients face in finding safety and support. As a trauma-informed organization we are committed to conducting ourselves in a manner that reduces barriers to services and does not re-traumatize those seeking services and support.

The Ballard Center provides consistent, high quality services to all families and children, regardless of gender, race, sexual or religious preference. The Ballard Center strives to be culturally competent by responding respectfully and effectively to people of all cultures, races, classes, ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities, abilities/disabilities, languages, and faiths and religions. The Ballard Center staff, volunteers, and board members shall not discriminate against clients or community members based on any attribute or belief and shall make every attempt to become educated and knowledgeable about the members of the communities we serve. Ballard Center staff shall be aware of the demographics of the community and be aware of who constitutes the under served.

To read the full policy, see the document below.

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